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Add pre-defined widgets to home

I'm following this answer which was really useful for me to have some pre-defined widgets on newly created pages.

// lib/modules/apostrophe-pages/index.js

  construct: function(self, options) {
    self.beforeInsert = function(req, page, options, callback) {
      page.navigationArea = {
        "type" : "area",
        "items" : [
            "by" : "id",
            "limitByAll" : 5,
            "limitByTag" : 5,
            "navShadow" : false,
            "linksArray" : [ ],
            "_id" : self.apos.utils.generateId(),
            "nav" : "default",
            "pieceIds" : [ ],
            "logoId" : null,
            "navBackgroundImageId" : null,
            "navColor" : null,
            "navTextColor" : null,
            "gradientColorTop" : null,
            "gradientColorBottom" : null,
            "tags" : [ ],
            "type" : "navigations"
      return setImmediate(callback);

But this adds the navigationArea only on pages I create. Home which is created at startup seems to be excluded from that. The Home will have navigationArea empty at first startup and I need to add it manually. How can I make sure that the function self.beforeInsert is also applied to home?


  • I think if this was added before the database was ever created then beforeInsert would cover it. Since there wasn't a home page yet, it would be inserted when the app first starts up. But let's assume you already created the app.

    This might be job for a migration. You could write a migration that looks for the home page (slug: '/') and looks to see if that area is empty. If it is, then update the doc with your data. It should only run once since migrations are tracked in a database collection. Even if it does run again, as long as you are querying only "home pages" that don't yet have the data, you'll be safe.