I have a function that gives me a state of service:
public ServiceState getServiceState(){
return someService().getState(); //currently state return "NOTACTIVE"
And when I invoke a certain method on the system, the service should be in active state after x amount of time (unknown time):
someService().startService(); //after a while, the state of the service should be active
If i wanted to check the service state just once, i would do this:
public boolean checkCurrentState(String modeToCheck){
return getServiceState() == modeToCheck;
checkCurrentState("ACTIVE"); //return true or false depends on the state
Problem is, the state takes some time to change, so I need the following:
I need to check the current state (in a while loop for x amount of seconds defined by me), if after x seconds the service is still in "NOTACTIVE" mode, I will throw some kind of exception to terminate my program.
So I thought of the following solution: A method that has 2 variables: a variable that represents a generic function which can be invoked inside of the method, and a variable which is the time I allow for it to keep checking: (pseudo code)
public void runGenericForXSeconds(Func function,int seconds) throws SOMEEXCEPTION{
int timeout = currentTime + seconds; //milliseconds
while (currentTime < timeout){
if (function.invoke()) return; //if true exits the method, for the rest of the program, we are all good
throw new SOMEEXCEPTION("something failed"); //the function failed
Something of that sorts, but I need it as generic as possible (the invoked method part should take other methods), Java 8 lambdas are part of the solution?
Using your example specifically:
public void runGenericForXSeconds(BooleanSupplier supplier, int seconds) throws SOMEEXCEPTION {
int timeout = currentTime + seconds; // milliseconds
while (currentTime < timeout) {
if (supplier.getAsBoolean())
return; // if true exits the method, for the rest of the program, we are all good
throw new SOMEEXCEPTION("something failed"); // the function failed
Then your supplier just needs to return true
or false
. E.g.:
runGenericForXSeconds(() -> !checkCurrentState("ACTIVE"), 100);
Note that you have a busy loop. Unless you explicitly want this you might want to pause between invocations using Thread.sleep()
or similar.