Looking at the example here: https://osmbuildings.org/examples/
In the JS section they define event for click:
osmb.click(function(e) {
var url = 'https://data.osmbuildings.org/0.2/uejws863/feature/'+ e.feature +'.json';
ajax(url, function(json) {
var content = '<b>OSM ID '+ e.feature +'</b>';
for (var i = 0; i < json.features.length; i++) {
content += '<br><em>OSM Part ID</em> '+ json.features[i].id;
content += '<br>'+ formatJSON(json.features[i].properties.tags);
L.popup({ maxHeight:200, autoPanPaddingTopLeft:[50,50] })
.setLatLng(L.latLng(e.lat, e.lon))
In this code uejws863 is "YOUR_MAPBOX_KEY". I can find my MAPBOX access token but it still says "unauthorized" if i change uej.. with my token. Basically i'm trying to run this example on localhost. What should i do next to find the key or change api call?
Looking at OSM Buildings examples the "YOUR_MAPBOX_KEY"
is used when making tile requests to MapBox servers, like:
When making requests to OSM Buildings servers they are using anonymous
as a key:
Although I´m getting results with the anonymous
key, for example:
I suggest you to register to get a key from OSM Buildings, not from MapBox