When I am converting GregorianCalendar to LocalDate I have this problem:
System.out.println(((GregorianCalendar) DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime("1945-10-01+02:00")).toZonedDateTime()
return 1945-10-01
what is OK
System.out.println(((GregorianCalendar) DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime("1945-10-02+02:00")).toZonedDateTime()
return same date: 1945-10-01
what is NOT OK
Why ?
My timezone ist Prague. When I check this side +2h should be till 18.11 not till 10.1
Java Time API relies on IANA Time Zone Database. According to it, time shift had happened on 10.1:
Rule Czech 1945 only - Oct 1 2:00s 0 -