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Generate 256 numbers using /dev/urandom in Assembly;

I would like to know how to use /dev/urandom to generate numbers in assembly 32 bits. I know i should that i should have the name of the file "/dev/urandom" in memory : :
file : db "/dev/random",10
len : equ $-file
index : db "1",10
lenindex : equ $-index

then I should read the file in my loop to generate a number and write 1 in the index of the generated number, here is my loop

loop1 : xor ecx,ecx
        cmp ecx,256
        je end_loop1
        mov EAX, 5
        mov ebx, file
       mov ecx, 0; o for octal // I guess this is how i generate a number (by reading it)
     mov edx, 0001o;o for octal // Permission on file.
       inc ecx
       int 0x80;
       mov ebx,eax
       mov eax,4
       mov ecx,index
       mov edx,lenindex
       int 0x80
       jmp loop1

as u may constat, I'm a beginner in assembly 32 bits I would love if someone explains how can I generate numbers using /dev/urandom and indicate 1 in the index of the generated number.


  • To get 256 random bytes at once and print them (NASM assembler):

    SECTION .data                   ; Section containing initialised data
        file db "/dev/urandom",0
        txt db " random bytes generated", 0x0A, 0x0A
        txt_len EQU $ - txt
        index dd 0
    SECTION .bss                    ; Section containing uninitialised data
        decstr resb 40              ; 40 Bytes for an ASCII string
        decstr_len resd 1
        filedescriptor resd 1
        numbers resb 256
    SECTION .text                   ; Section containing code
    global  _start                  ; Linker needs this to find the entry point!
        mov eax, 5                  ; SYSCALL open
        mov ebx, file               ; File descriptor
        mov ecx, 0                  ; Access: read only
        mov edx, 0x00004            ; Mode: read by others
        int 0x80                    ; Call Linux kernel
        mov [filedescriptor], eax   ; Store the resulting fd
        mov eax, 3                  ; SYSCALL read
        mov ebx, [filedescriptor]   ; File descriptor
        mov ecx, numbers            ; Pointer to input buffer
        mov edx, 256                ; Max. count of bytes to read
        int 0x80                    ; Call Linux kernel
        mov [index], eax            ; Store the count of bytes received
        mov eax, 6                  ; SYSCALL close
        mov ebx, [filedescriptor]   ; File descriptor
        int 0x80                    ; Call Linux kernel
        ; Print index
        mov eax, [index]            ; Argument: Integer to convert
        mov edi, decstr             ; Argument: Address of the target string
        call int2str                ; Get the digits of EAX and store it as ASCII & LF & NUL
        sub edi, decstr             ; EDI (pointer to the terminating NULL) - pointer to decstr = length of the string
        dec edi                     ; Shorten the string by the LF
        mov [decstr_len], edi       ; Store the resulting length of the string
        mov eax, 4                  ; SYSCALL write
        mov ebx, 1                  ; File descriptor: STDOUT
        mov ecx, decstr             ; Pointer to output buffer
        mov edx, [decstr_len]       ; count of bytes to send
        int 0x80
        mov eax, 4                  ; SYSCALL write
        mov ebx, 1                  ; File descriptor: STDOUT
        mov ecx, txt                ; Pointer to output buffer
        mov edx, txt_len            ; count of bytes to send
        int 0x80
        ; Print the numbers
        mov esi, numbers            ; Start address for lodsb
    L1:                             ; Loop to print <index> numbers
        xor eax, eax                ; Argument: Integer to convert
        mov edi, decstr             ; Argument: Address of the target string
        call int2str                ; Get the digits of EAX and store it as ASCII & LF & NUL
        sub edi, decstr             ; EDI (pointer to the terminating NULL) - pointer to decstr = length of the string
        mov [decstr_len], edi       ; Store the resulting length of the string
        mov eax, 4                  ; SYSCALL write
        mov ebx, 1                  ; File descriptor: STDOUT
        mov ecx, decstr             ; Pointer to output buffer
        mov edx, [decstr_len]       ; count of bytes to send
        int 0x80
        sub dword [index], 1
        jnz L1                      ; Do it again
        mov eax, 1                  ; SYSCALL exit
        mov ebx, 0                  ; Exit Code
        int 80h                     ; Call Linux kernel
    int2str:    ; Converts an positive integer in EAX to a string pointed to by EDI
        xor ecx, ecx
        mov ebx, 10
        .LL1:                       ; First loop: Collect the remainders
        xor edx, edx                ; Clear EDX for div
        div ebx                     ; EDX:EAX/EBX -> EAX Remainder EDX
        push dx                     ; Save remainder
        inc ecx                     ; Increment push counter
        test eax, eax               ; Anything left to divide?
        jnz .LL1                    ; Yes: loop once more
        .LL2:                       ; Second loop: Retrieve the remainders
        pop dx                      ; In DL is the value
        or dl, '0'                  ; To ASCII
        mov [edi], dl               ; Save it to the string
        inc edi                     ; Increment the pointer to the string
        loop .LL2                   ; Loop ECX times
        mov word [edi], 0x0A        ; Last characters: LF, NUL
        inc edi
        ret                         ; RET: EDI points to the terminating NULL

    To get 256 random DWORDs one by one and print them one by one (NASM assembler):

    SECTION .data                   ; Section containing initialised data
        file db "/dev/urandom",0    ; NUL terminated (ASCIZ)!
        loopcount dd 256
    SECTION .bss                    ; Section containing uninitialised data
        decstr resb 40              ; 40 Bytes for an ASCII string
        decstr_len resd 1
        filedescriptor resd 1
        number resd 1
    SECTION .text                   ; Section containing code
    global  _start                  ; Linker needs this to find the entry point!
        mov eax, 5                  ; SYSCALL open
        mov ebx, file               ; File descriptor
        mov ecx, 0                  ; Access: read only
        mov edx, 0x00004            ; Mode: read by others
        int 0x80                    ; Call Linux kernel
        mov [filedescriptor], eax   ; Store the resulting fd
    L1:                             ; Loop to print <loopcount> numbers
        mov eax, 3                  ; SYSCALL read
        mov ebx, [filedescriptor]   ; File descriptor
        mov ecx, number             ; Pointer to input buffer
        mov edx, 4                  ; Max. count of bytes to read
        int 0x80                    ; Call Linux kernel
        ; Print the number
        mov eax, [number]           ; Argument: Integer to convert
        mov edi, decstr             ; Argument: Address of the target string
        call int2str                ; Get the digits of EAX and store it as ASCII & LF & NUL
        sub edi, decstr             ; EDI (pointer to the terminating NULL) - pointer to decstr = length of the string
        mov [decstr_len], edi       ; Store the resulting length of the string
        mov eax, 4                  ; SYSCALL write
        mov ebx, 1                  ; File descriptor: STDOUT
        mov ecx, decstr             ; Pointer to output buffer
        mov edx, [decstr_len]       ; count of bytes to send
        int 0x80
        sub dword [loopcount], 1
        jnz L1                      ; Do it again
        mov eax, 6                  ; SYSCALL close
        mov ebx, [filedescriptor]   ; File descriptor
        int 0x80                    ; Call Linux kernel
        mov eax, 1                  ; SYSCALL exit
        mov ebx, 0                  ; Exit Code
        int 80h                     ; Call Linux kernel
    int2str:    ; Converts an positive integer in EAX to a string pointed to by EDI
        xor ecx, ecx
        mov ebx, 10
        .LL1:                       ; First loop: Collect the remainders
        xor edx, edx                ; Clear EDX for div
        div ebx                     ; EDX:EAX/EBX -> EAX Remainder EDX
        push dx                     ; Save remainder
        inc ecx                     ; Increment push counter
        test eax, eax               ; Anything left to divide?
        jnz .LL1                    ; Yes: loop once more
        .LL2:                       ; Second loop: Retrieve the remainders
        pop dx                      ; In DL is the value
        or dl, '0'                  ; To ASCII
        mov [edi], dl               ; Save it to the string
        inc edi                     ; Increment the pointer to the string
        loop .LL2                   ; Loop ECX times
        mov word [edi], 0x0A        ; Last characters: LF, NUL
        inc edi
        ret                         ; RET: EDI points to the terminating NULL

    You can change the number in

    mov edx, 4                  ; Max. count of bytes to read

    to get another range, e.g.

    mov edx, 2                  ; Max. count of bytes to read

    for a WORD range (0..65535).