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replace multiple characters that's inside of a bbcode tag only, and not effect any other text that is outside of the bbcode

So I have this function that I created that replaces special characters that are inside of a string. The main intent was to replace those special characters that were inside of the BBCode tag ([code=any]my code that I want to show[/code]), but at the time it didn't really matter if it replaced the rest of the string outside of the BBcode tag. But now I'm having problems with it replacing HTML tags that are outside of the BBcode tag. So I was trying to come up with a solution for this, but no luck so far.

The goal is to replace the special characters that are inside of the:

[code=any]some code inside of here[/code]

Also should mention that when I say code=any meaning it can be anything. It could be HTML,CSS,PHP,JS [a-z-A-Z-0-9].

so more like

[code=[a-z-A-Z-0-9]<h1>some html insode of the bbcode to be replace</h1>[/code]

My current function is simple. Just some basic regular expression is needed:

replaceSpecial : function(str) {

str = str.replace(/&/g, "&amp;");
str = str.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
str = str.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
str = str.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
str = str.replace(/'/g, "&#039;");

return str;

But how would I go about rewriting that so that it will only replace text that is inside of the: [code=any]some code inside here[/code] and that's it. If anyone has a solution for this, that would be awesome.

Thanks for your time, Jon W


  • Do you want to extract the text inside a barcode and apply this regular expression, you can use exec to just apply the replace to what is inside the code, can use Capturing Groups and Backreferences see more link

    in this case, only get the text of inside the bbcode and process it

    let code = "[code=any]<h1>hello and bye</h1>e[/code]";
    //extract only texto inside bbcode
    let match = /\[code\=any\](.+)\[\/code\]/g.exec(code)[1];
    //get <h1>hello</h1>e
    let replacement = myObj.replaceSpecial(match);

    enter image description here


    This would only be if you want to get, if you want to replace you can use the replace function.

    var myObj = {
        replaceSpecial : function(str) {
            str = str.replace(/&/g, "&amp;");
            str = str.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
            str = str.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
            str = str.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
            str = str.replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
            return str;
    let code = "[code=any]<h1>hello and bye</h1>e[/code]";
    let match = /\[code\=any\](.+)\[\/code\]/g.exec(code)[1];
    let replacement = myObj.replaceSpecial(match);
    let string = code.replace(/\[code\=any\](.+)\[\/code\]/,"[code=any]"+replacement+"[/code]")


    According to the answer of Wiktor Stribiżew, the regular expression can be validated so that the bbcode is any

    myObj = {
      replaceSpecial : function(str) {
         return str.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
                   .replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
                   .replace(/</g, "&lt;")
                   .replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
                   .replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
    var s = '[code="HTML"]<h1>Hello</h1>[/code]';
    var regex = /(\[code=[^\]]*])([^]*?)(\[\/code])/gi;
    console.log( s.replace(regex, function($0, $group_match1, $group_match2, $group_match3) { return $group_match1 + myObj.replaceSpecial($group_match2) + $group_match3; }) );

    I hope I have helped you and if it is not what you expect, make a comment and edit the question