I tried different approaches.
Changing the return type of quickSort to int and adding the parameter "int numPivots" to the method. Then I added numPivots++; after the call of the partition method and returned the numPivots at the end. When passing 0 as an argument the returned value in my main method was 1. This makes sense since it is the first value that will be returned after all the recursions. I just cant get my head around what I have to change to make this work.
Creating an "ArrayList pivots" in the main method and passing it as an Argument to quickSort and from there to partition. I filled it with all the pivots but still didnt get the right result. This was a weird approach, but I got devestaded.
Creating an instance variable and methods to increase it / get its value. This didnt work either and felt kind of stupid.
Here is the code
public static void quickSort(int[] arr, int start, int end){
int partition = partition(arr, start, end);
if(partition-1>start) {
quickSort(arr, start, partition - 1);
if(partition+1<end) {
quickSort(arr, partition + 1, end);
public static int partition(int[] arr, int start, int end){
int pivot = arr[end];
//checks if left pointer < pivot
for(int i=start; i<end; i++){
int temp= arr[start];
//switches pivots
int temp = arr[start];
arr[start] = pivot;
arr[end] = temp;
return start;
Also: I thought quickSort would work with 2 Pointers, a left pointer and a right pointer. After failing to write my own quickSort algorithm I simply took this one from a tutorial. This confuses me because it doesn't use a rightPointer. I took pen and paper to follow the steps and I think I got how it works but is it the same algorithm as explained here?
I knoiw these are a lot of questions. Thank you for your time!
Solved it like this:
class CountObject{
int count;
public CountObject(int count){
public void increaseCount (){
public int getCount() {
return count;