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Determining a rule: relate integer value to color #RGB

I'd like to determine a background-color C depending on an integer X (number of positive votes)

OK, I could do

if(x==0) c = '#000';
else if(x > 0 && x < 5 ) c = '#001'
else if(X<=5 <= 20) c = '#002';
//and so on...

But, how can I do this to make it gradual? I mean from 0 to 500 votes -> 500 tones of blue colors? (if I'm not wrong its posible two digits for HEX (if not, 15*15 xD))

Any ideas?


  • Since you're just looking for ideas, here's one that nobody else will suggest. First, go look up "Catmull-Rom Spline" formulas. It boils down to a very simple matrix multiplication trick that gives you a formula for computing curves given a set of control points.

    OK, so now that you know all about Catmull-Rom splines, you can write some code to do a curve in 3-space. Well, what's RGB if not a 3-dimensional space? So you pick a few good color control points (RGB colors), and then you use your handy Catmull-Rom implementation to generate a parametric curve through all those colors, with as many colors along the curve as you want.

    The cool thing about the color progressions will be that they're really "smooth" across transitions.