Currently I have a formula which is working very well, however, it is making my sheets extremely slow as I am using more than one of these COUNTIF
QUERY(Contacts!$Q$3:$EZ, "select V,AC,AJ,AQ,AX,BE,BL,BS, BZ ,CG,CN,CU,DB,DI,DP,DW,ED,EK,ER,EY", 0), $T22,
QUERY(Contacts!$Q$3:$EZ, "select U,AB,AI,AP,AW,BD,BK,BR,`BY`,CF,CM,CT,DA,DH,DO,DV,EC,EJ,EQ,EX", 0), U$21),
QUERY(Contacts!$Q$3:$EZ, "select T,AA,AH,AO,AV,BC,BJ,BQ, BX ,CE,CL,CS,CZ,DG,DN,DU,EB,EI,EP,EW", 0), $O$1,
QUERY(Contacts!$Q$3:$EZ, "select V,AC,AJ,AQ,AX,BE,BL,BS, BZ ,CG,CN,CU,DB,DI,DP,DW,ED,EK,ER,EY", 0), $T22,
QUERY(Contacts!$Q$3:$EZ, "select U,AB,AI,AP,AW,BD,BK,BR,`BY`,CF,CM,CT,DA,DH,DO,DV,EC,EJ,EQ,EX", 0), U$21))
Basically what this does is search the month from a drop-down in the dashboard, and then counts the number of calls by filtering Call Category, Sales Person and Month. The reason I have 2 COUNTIF
's is that the first calculates based on the whole year hence YT = "Year Total"
The calls come from an array of columns, hence the query for different columns. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
I'm more proficient with functions than I am with app script, but always willing to learn, so if there is an app script solution I would be more than grateful to learn.
I look forward to learning from you.
you will need to kill all your query formulas (all those which looks like the example in your question) and replace them with this build:
=IF($G$2="Year Total",
COUNTA(FILTER(Contacts!V3:V, Contacts!V3:V=$B12, Contacts!U3:U=E$11))+
,COUNTA(FILTER(Contacts!T3:T, Contacts!T3:T=$G$2, Contacts!V3:V=$B12, Contacts!U3:U=E$11))+
this will give you ~80% boost