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Test Spring beans with different constructor args over JUnit using @ContextConfiguration

Description of the problem:

I would like users to configure spring beans with custom config files over spring XML configs, like this: Note that only Strings should be configured by the user, all other beans should be @Autowired without the user knowing it!

<bean class="">
    <constructor-arg value="config1.proprietary"/>
    <constructor-arg value="config2.proprietary"/>

The Provider object looks (simplified) as follows:

public class Provider {
    private Foo foo;
    private final String[] configNames;

    public Provider(final String... configs) {
        this.configNames = Preconditions.checkNotNull(configs, "Provided configs must not be null!");

    public List<Configs> getConfigs() {
         return new foo.create(configNames); // here is more logic that I would actually like to test... (not just methods called on foo)

My question is:

How can I test this solution with various different string inputs, so that all tests can go into one JUnit Test class? Btw: I would like to avoid reflections...

(The unit tests below show what I mean. And they are already capable to do what I want, but they use reflections.)

What I did so far

is using reflections to change the field content afterwards, but tbh that is not sexy at all:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = {ProviderTest.MyContext.class})
public class ProviderTest {

    private Provider sut;

    public void provide_oneConfig() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
        setConfigFilesViaReflection(sut, "config1.proprietary"");
        // When
        List<Config> configs = sut.getConfigs();

        // Then
        assertEquals(1, configs.size());

    public void provide_twoConfigs() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
        setConfigFilesViaReflection(sut, "config1.proprietary", config2.proprietary");
        // When
        List<Config> configs = sut.getConfigs();

        // Then
        assertEquals(2, configs.size());

    private void setConfigFilesViaReflection(final Provider sut, final String... configs) throws NoSuchFieldException,
            IllegalAccessException {
        Field configNamesField = Provider.class.getDeclaredField("configNames");
        configNamesField.set(sut, configs);

    public static class MyContext {
        Provider provider() {
            return new Provider("willBeOverridenByReflection");

        Foo foo() {
            return new Foo(); // this one got mocked in my test


  • Sometimes asking a questions helps to search harder.

    The @Qualifier / @Resource annotation make it possible to create several beans, and choose them per test like that:

    @ContextConfiguration(classes = {ProviderTest.MyContext.class})
    public class ProviderTest {
        @Qualifier("bar") // could also be @Resource (without @Autowired)
        private Provider sut;
        private Provider sut2; // could also be @Qualifier(with @Autowired)
        public void provide_oneConfig() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
            // When
            List<Config> configs = sut.getConfigs();
            // Then
            assertEquals(1, configs.size());
        public void provide_twoConfigs() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
            // When
            List<Config> configs = sut2.getConfigs();
            // Then
            assertEquals(2, configs.size());
        public static class MyContext {
            Provider providerBar() {
                return new Provider"config1.proprietary");
            Provider providerBaz() {
                return new Provider("config1.proprietary", "config2.proprietary");
            Foo foo() {
                return new Foo(); // this one got mocked in my test

    Found my answer here: Autowiring two different beans of same class