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Openvino: Problem when trying to load CPU plugin in Qt

After installing and successfully run the OpenVino demos in my PC I start implementing a basic application in Qt with this library. I made the linking as Intel's documentation describes and the application successfully compiled.

auto plugin = PluginDispatcher({L""}).getPluginByDevice("CPU");

auto netBuilder = new CNNNetReader();

auto network = netBuilder->getNetwork();

The application pops an exception when debugger reach getPluginByDevice call (getSuitablePlugin method from ie_plugin_dispacher.hpp (line 73)).

enter image description here

I am using MSVC2017 64bit with Qt 5.11.1 in a Windows 10 machine. The .pro file library call is:

INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/inference_engine/include
LIBS += -L$$PWD/inference_engine/lib/intel64/Release
LIBS += -linference_engine -llibiomp5md

Is anyone experienced the same or has an idea what's going on?

Thanks in advance,



  • The release libraries were causing the problem. When I switched to the debug ones (inference_engined.lib insted of inference_engine.lib) the application run successfully.


    I paste the code from .pro file in case someone face the same problem.

    INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/inference_engine/include
    CONFIG(release, debug|release):BuildVar=release
    CONFIG(debug, debug|release):BuildVar=debug
    equals(BuildVar,debug) {
        message(Debug Mode)
        LIBS += -L$$PWD/inference_engine/lib/intel64/Debug
        LIBS += -linference_engined
    equals(BuildVar,release) {
        message(Release Mode)
        LIBS += -L$$PWD/inference_engine/lib/intel64/Release
        LIBS += -linference_engine