I would want to save images in the database with VARBINARY(max)
type by this procedure:
ALTER proc [dbo].[User_Create]
(@BirthCertificateImage varbinary(max),
@BookletImage varbinary(max),
@GreenCardImage varbinary(max))
insert into [User]
Here is how I managed to extract fields with SQL procedure
ALTER proc [dbo].[User_GetById]
(@UserId int)
select * from [User]
Id = @UserId
This is how I'm using the mentioned procedure in the EF
var user = await db.Database.SqlQuery<UserModel>("User_GetById @UserId"
, new SqlParameter("UserId",id)).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
And here is how I managed to show the binary image in a PictureBox
var birthCertificateMs = new
birthCertificatePictureBox.Image = Image.FromStream(birthCertificateMs);
Also, the property type for maintaining the image is byte[]
So how can I manage it? If it's null
will I get in trouble?
Note that it works correctly when the input is not null
I would recommend explicitly checking for null/empty before attempting to use the data.
if(response.Entity.BirthCertificateImage != null && response.Entity.BirthCertificateImage.Length > 0)
using(var birthCertificateMs = new MemoryStream(response.Entity.BirthCertificateImage))
birthCertificatePictureBox.Image = Image.FromStream(birthCertificateMs);
and I would opt to wrap all of that in a Try/Catch block to handle where the byte data doesn't contain an image. (It happens, especially as systems mature, someone supports chucking a PDF or such in there.)
One other bit of advice: for large binary data such as images, I would recommend updating the schema to move these off into a separate table linked in a 1-0..1 relationship with User. (So a new table called UserImage with a PK of UserId, then User can be configured with a HasOptional on UserImage) The reason for this is that this data is likely not going to be accessed that frequently, where you might Join/Select on "User" fairly often. If you use User as a reference and code eager/lazy-loads a User with those larger blobs, it will have a performance impact. If the user image data is in a separate related table, you can reference User without a performance cost of that expensive data until it is explicitly needed.