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The WSIG GUI : JADE Agent Integration with WSIG

We have a problam in Platforme JADE with WSIG GUI. How to configuration WSIG on Windows with JADE and how to use it at the http://localhost:8080/wsig URL. and how to change build.xml manually


  • I've solved my problem.
    And these are the steps that I have done and worked with me

    Step 1 : donwlead jUDDI

    1. i am using the jUDDI this link for donwlead : jUDDI

    2. and unzip and copy paste in folder C programme files.

    Step 2 : Create environmental variables

     1. CATALINA_BASE C:\Program Files (x86)\juddi-distro-3.3.6\juddi-tomcat-3.3.6
     2. CATALINA_HOME C:\Program Files (x86)\juddi-distro-3.3.6\juddi-tomcat-3.3.6

    enter image description here

    Step 3 : Go to CMD

    And type the following commands :

    1. cd 
    2. cd C:\Program Files (x86)\juddi-distro-3.3.6\juddi-tomcat-3.3.6\bin
    3. catalina.bat run 

    enter image description here then : enter image description here

    Step 4 : A new window will appear

    And type the following commands :

       1. configtest
       2. startup.bat

    Step 5 : Go to your browser

    link : http://localhost:8080/wsig/

    enter image description here

    Verify that the port:8080 is not busy