I have file names that I'm trying to extract names/words/numbers from for later use.
As you can see there are underscore separated components in the file names which are useful to me. I put these in an array ("currentpath
") and then into a loop, processing each file one at a time (I think this is a pretty sensible approach?). I have been trying to use the following command to break down the path into its component words and numbers:
and then selecting a part of the name (now an element) such as the animal using something like this:
But this doesn't work - I had been hoping an echo of the above would give me a Dolphins
or Penguins
etc. When I investigated, echo "${partialpath[@]}"
So I assume that the array has only one element? That being, the entire file path all stuck together just without any underscores? Or am I selecting the elements incorrectly?
Also, I have just noticed this last element would still leave the .txt
file ending on the last element, which would be suboptimal.
I hope this is clear, I know it's a simple problem but I completely new to writing scripts and I have been scratching my head for the entire day.
just removed the underscores, it doesn't break the string up. It can be used on arrays, but just does the same string manipulation on each element. Try this:
$: cat x
while read line
do tmp="${line##*/}" # remove ALL path stuff from the line
tmp="${tmp%.*}" # remove JUST LAST piece after a dot
IFS="_" read -a chunk <<< "$tmp"; # split on underscores
printf "%10s " "${chunk[@]}"; printf "\n";
done < x
Penguins 45 MIA
Sheep 3.5 KIA
Dolphins 19 AWOL