I am using a copy constructor and Inheritance in a class called 'Department' to call the information from class 'Teacher' which is a sub-class of 'Person'. After creating my set/get methods, I get the above error. Anyone have any insight as to why this is occurring?
public class Department {
private String deptName;
private int numMajors;
private Teacher[] listTeachers; //inherits from Person class
private Student[] listStudents; //inherits from Person class
// First constructor for Department
public Department(String dn, int nm, Teacher[] listTeachers, Student[] listStudents) {
this.deptName = dn;
this.numMajors = nm;
this.listTeachers = new Teacher[listTeachers.length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.listTeachers.length; i++)
this.listTeachers[i] = new Teacher (listTeachers[i]);
//set method for Teachers Array
public void setListTeachers (Teacher[] other) {
this.listTeachers = new Teacher[other.length];
for (int i = 0; i < listTeachers.length; i++) {
this.listTeachers[i] = new Teacher (other[i]);
//get method for Teachers Array
public Teacher[] getListTeachers() {
Teacher[] copyTeachers = new Teacher[listTeachers.length];
for (int i = 0; i < copyTeachers.length; i++) {
copyTeachers[i] = new Teacher(this.listTeachers[i]);
return copyTeachers;
Here are the lines giving me errors:
1) this.listTeachers[i] = new Teacher (listTeachers[i]);
2) this.listTeachers[i] = new Teacher (other[i]);
3) copyTeachers[i] = new Teacher(this.listTeachers[i]);
public class Teacher extends Person {
private String id;
private int salary;
private int num_yr_prof;
//Constructor for use in Teacher main method.
public Teacher(String n, int a, String s, boolean al, String i, int sal, int numyr) {
super(n, a, s, al);
this.id = i;
this.salary = sal;
this.num_yr_prof = numyr;
//Copy constructor for use in Department class.
public Teacher (String n, int a, String s, boolean al, Teacher other) {
super(n, a, s, al);
if (other == null) {
System.out.println("Fatal Error!");
this.id = other.id;
this.salary = other.salary;
this.num_yr_prof = other.num_yr_prof;
Your copy constructor might look like this:
public Teacher(Teacher teacher) {
this( teacher.n, teacher.a, teacher.s, teacher.al,
teacher.id, teacher.salary, teacher.num_yr_prof );
Since you do not show the code for the Person class, I have used the variable names n, a, s, and al here. They should be replaced by whatever those variables are named in the Person class. This, of course, assumes that those variables are either public or protected. If they are private, you need to use the getters for those variables (preferred even if they are public or protected).