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WxWidgets Thread crashes random during run

I'm writing a wxwidget multi-threaded application. But the code crashes randomly of which I have no clue. I've posted my code here. This program creates a thread each time a button is pressed. And this thread is intended to write something on the parent text area. When I run the code, only the destructor message gets printed, ie the Entry section is not executed. I've been struggling with this problem for a lot of time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance..

   void threadFrame::addthread(wxCommandEvent &event)
    mythread *th = new mythread(this);
mythread::mythread(GUIFrame *frame) : wxThread(wxTHREAD_DETACHED)
    m_frame = frame;
void mythread::WriteText(const wxString& text)

void *mythread::Entry()
    WriteText(wxT("thread started"));
    return NULL;


  • You should not use any GUI-routines from threads other than the main thread. This means you should replace the ->SetValue(..) call by some other mechanism (e.g. notify the main thread via event). I never tried to do that, so I don't know if this can cause the thread to crash.

    Do you call any functions which are not appropriate for detached threads?