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Implementing a simple turn-based game in Java using the wait-notify approach

I'm trying to implement a word game in Java, where each player takes turns extracting a number of random letters from a set, then trying to create a valid word with those letters. This is what I have so far (simplified for clarity's sake):

In the Game class, I start the game by running a thread for each player (and one for the timekeeper). I want the first player in the activePlayers list (which initially is the same as the players list) to make the first move, so I initialized the turn and turnIndex attributes to correspond to this player:

public void play()
    this.turn = activePlayers.get(0); //the player who joined first goes first
    this.turnIndex = 0; //the player's index in the ArrayList

    for(Player player : players) {
        new Thread(player).start();
    new Thread(new Timekeeper()).start(); //keeps track of the game's duration

In the Player class, I want the players on stand-by to not do anything, and simply wait for the current player to finish their business, hence the first while loop. Then, when a player's turn has ended, I want that thread to yield the monitor to another player's thread and wait its next turn. This is how I decided to approach it:

private synchronized boolean submitWord() throws InterruptedException
    while(game.turn != this)
        System.out.println( + " is waiting their turn...");


    List<Tile> extracted = game.getBag().extractTiles(wordLength);
        return false; //if there are no more letters to extract, the thread ends its execution

    //game logic goes here - creating and validating the word

    //after this player is done, the next player makes their move
    if(game.turnIndex >= game.activePlayers.size())
        game.turnIndex = 0;
    game.turn = game.activePlayers.get(game.turnIndex);
    return true;
public void run()
    do {
        try {
            this.running = this.submitWord();
        } catch(InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("Something went wrong with " + + "...");
    } while(this.running);

    game.activePlayers.remove(this); //the player is now inactive

    if(game.winner == this)
        System.out.println("Winner: " + + " [" + this.score + " points]");

However, when I try to run the program, I get something like this:

Player 2 is waiting their turn...
Player 3 is waiting their turn...
1 seconds elapsed...
Player 1: AERIAL [36 points]
Player 1 is waiting their turn...
2 seconds elapsed...
3 seconds elapsed...
4 seconds elapsed...
5 seconds elapsed...
6 seconds elapsed...

Basically, the game doesn't move past Player 1's first try, and I get stuck in an infinite loop where nothing happens. Am I not using the wait() and notifyAll() methods properly? How should I make the player threads communicate with each other?


  • If I have understood your code correctly, that submitWord() method belongs to the Player class. In multi-thread development, the synchronized keyword should be used to obtain the monitor of a shared object in order to limit different threads from accessing simultaneously the same resource and avoid race conditions.

    In your case, you're synchronizing over a Player thread, which is not the right design. You should synchronize instead over the shared resource, which is the game object. Besides, try to use synchronized blocks rather than entire synchronized methods, as the latter are more likely to block other threads.

    In the Player's run method, you should first check whether the thread can acquire the game's monitor with a synchronized block. If it can, then you can check if it's the player's turn by confronting the game object's turnIndex with the Player's index. If it's not the player's turn, then the thread should invoke the wait() method on the game object; otherwise it should carry on with by invoking submitWord().

    In your code, you forgot to add a notify() (or a notifyAll()) before the return false in the submitWord() method. This slip up might have caused the scenarios where the threads would get stuck. Here is a tweaked version of your code:

    //This method can be called only under the condition the the game's monitor has already been acquired. So, it can only be invoked within a synchronized block.
    private boolean submitWord() {
        List<Tile> extracted = game.getBag().extractTiles(wordLength);
            //notify is more efficient than notifyAll, as it causes less overhead by awakening only one random thread instead of all the ones waiting
            //you forgot to call a notify() before returning. 
            //this might have caused your threads to get stuck
            return false;
        //game logic goes here - creating and validating the word
        //Rotating the turn
        game.turnIndex = ( + 1) %;
        game.turn = game.activePlayers.get(game.turnIndex);;
        return true;
    public void run() {
        do {
                if ( == this.index){
                    this.running = this.submitWord();
                    //It's better to check here whether the player must be removed or not,
                    //as you already own the game's lock
                    if (!this.running){
                } else {
                    try {
                    } catch(InterruptedException e) {
                        System.out.println("Something went wrong with " + + "...");
        } while(this.running);
        //you should re-acquire the game's lock here since you're modifying the set of players
        if( == this){ 
            System.out.println("Winner: " + + " [" + this.score + " points]");