I have a following ajax operation that is intended to (1) show spinner gif
before sending ajax
request, and after after the request is complete, (2) hide
the gif and 3 display
appropriate alert messages.
Finally (4) reload
the page.
Here's the code:
url: rUrl,
data: {
id: rID,
requisitionStatus: rStatus,
comment: rComment
type: "POST",
cache: false,
beforeSend: function() {
success: function(data, resp) {
var json = data;
var obj = JSON && JSON.parse(json) || $.parseJSON(json);
if (obj.status == "success") {
alert('Success! ' + obj.message);
} else if (obj.status == "error") {
alert('Error!' + obj.message);
error: function(data, resp) {
complete: function() {
But in this case, alert
pops up first while the spinner gif
still shows up, and reloads
the page after clicking OK
I even tried hiding
the gif in success
callback itself instead of using complete
success: function(data, resp) {
var json = data;
var obj = JSON && JSON.parse(json) || $.parseJSON(json);
if (obj.status == "success") {
alert('Success! ' + obj.message);
} else if (obj.status == "error") {
alert('Error!' + obj.message);
Both gives the same result.
Rewrite the code this way, this will put your alert and location related code in event queue which will run when it will be free.
if(obj.status=="success") {
alert('Success! '+obj.message);