I have a project being built on Linux but which needs scripts to be run on windows. So I generate batch files for starting the server under windows. These need to refer to a versioned jar. I also tag the README file with a ${project.version}
the version so the uer can easily see about which version the file pertains to .
So I create an assembly descriptor :
In the README file is the line
README ${project.version}
and in start-server.cmd I have
VERSION = ${project.version}
and after mvn assembly:assembly
and unzipping the generated artifact
I find in README :
and in the start-server.cmd
VERSION = ${project.version}
I am completely at a loss why it is replaced in one file and not in the other.
Is it possible that you are hitting the issue discussed in this forum, which is to do with @ symbol in the start-server.cmd
and maven resource plugin