I have two collections: persons and pets. Every pet has personId. My target is to get all persons and foreach of them to add his/her pets in single json. What I did so far is:
this.personService.getPersions().subscribe(persons => {
const personsWithPets = persons.flatMap(person => this.petService.getPetsByPersonId(person._id)
.subscribe(petsData => {
person.pets = petsData;
return person;
}, (err) => {
this.persons = personsWithPets; // This is fired before previous subscribe
}, (err) => {
What I do wrong? Why this.persons = personsWithPets;
is fired before subscription finish?
Updated added comments
Another one: stackblitz
//create an array of observables
const obs=per.map(per=>this.service.getPet(per.id));
//call all of them in forkjoin
return forkJoin(obs).pipe(map(pets=>
//pets is an array, in pets[0] is the response of getPet(1),
//in pets[1] is the response of getPet(2)
return {
...per[i], //all the properties of the person
pets:pet //+ in pets an array with the pets of the person