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Tabulator: Have a value associated with cell

I am deciding to use this wonderful Tabulator js library but I want to have a different value associated with each cell value that is displayed.


<td value="1">Bob</td>

I see the below options for setting a drop down

        {title:"Name", field:"name", editor:"select", editorPramas: names

where names = { 1: 'Bob', 2: 'Jack'}

however this results in bob and Jack being displayed in the drop down and when Bob is selected it displays 1 in the cell value. However I want Jack and Bob to be in dropdown and when Bob is selected data cell gets value of 1 because I have columns values mapped to IDs which need to be stored in database.


  • This can be done by custom editorParams

            {title:"Name", field:"name", editor:"select", editorPramas: myCustom
    var myCustom = function(cell) {

    whereby one can get the cell element which is changed and accordingly change any attribute of it.