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Testing @Validated RestController in standalone MockMvc not working

I have RestController annotated with @Validated for validating path variables / request parmas:

public class MainController implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {

    private CarsService carsService;

    public void handleException(ConstraintViolationException ex) {}

            value = "/",
            produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public ResponseEntity<?> getCars(
            @RequestParam(value = "offset", defaultValue = "0") @PositiveOrZero
                    Integer offset,
            @RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = paginationLimitDefault)
            @Positive @Max(paginationLimitMax)
                    Integer limit) {
        Map responseBody = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        responseBody.put("offset", offset);
        responseBody.put("limit", limit);
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(responseBody);

Now, I want to unit test the controller level with standalone mockMvc:

public class TestMainController {

    private MainController mainController;

    private CarsService carsServiceMock;

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void initMocks() {
        mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(mainController).build();

    public void getCarsInvalidOffset() throws Exception {
                .param("offset", "-1"))

    public void getCarsInvalidLimit() throws Exception {
                .param("limit", "0"))
                .param("limit", "-1"))
                .param("limit", "101"))

The problem is that the tests with the invalid params (both tests in the code snippet above) where should have return bad request, actually returning 200 OK and as a result the test fails.
How can I fix it? Thanks.


  • I suspect that because you are mocking the MainController, the @Validated isn't taking effect. Try this:

    public class TestMainController {
        private MainController mainController;
        private CarsService carsServiceMock;
        private WebApplicationContext context;
        private MockMvc mockMvc;
        public void initMocks() {
            mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context)