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Infinite request to /_ah/queue/__deferred__ AppEngine

I'm building an app in Java with google AppEngine. Everything works pretty fine, but in log tab in google app engine console, there's a weird thing happening.

It seems that I have infinite requests to "/_ah/queue/__ deferred__", here is a screenshot :

Infinite loop

I went though lot of discussion online but I could not find what it is. I was thinking maybe it was because of filters or listener I had, but after removing them and uploading to the cloud, without even loading a single page, the problem is still here.

I never noticed it before. Any idea ?



  • Well, I never found the real problem. But I found out that I was able to manage the queues and tasks in google app engine console here. So I deleted all tasks and the loop seems to have stopped. My guess is that each task created another task, but I'm not sure and I don't know how to check that. Hope this won't happen again.