I am developing a Java/JSP/Javascript web app using Eclipse Oxygen and its local Tomcat 8.5 server fairly with the standard config:
This works excellently if I do all work in Eclipse: On each resource change everything is republished. Great!
However the JavaScript part I want to develop in another IDE (WebStorm) which uses the same source directory as Eclipse. When I save a file from the external IDE, Tomcat does pick up the resource change only if I bring Eclipse to the foreground. This is cumbersome.
How can I configure the Eclipse Tomcat Server to either:
You can do so by editing the workspace preferences:
Navigate to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace
and activate the following checkboxes:
Refresh using native hooks or polling
Refresh on access
This should (with a delay of some seconds) refresh, build and deploy resources when changed by a foreign application.