I am trying to get a list of items to form a playlist, and I am only able to retrieve one of the items. Here is the code I have going to my recyclerview's bindView:
public void onBindViewHolder(PlaylistViewHolder holder, int position)
String url = "https://www.c895.org/playlist";
Document document = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
Element playlist = document.select("#playlist").first();
List<TrackInfo> tracks = new ArrayList<>();
for(Element track : playlist.children())
long time = Long.parseLong(track.dataset().get("ts"));
String title = track.select(".title").text();
String artist = track.select(".artist").text();
tracks.add(new TrackInfo(new Date(time * 1000), title, artist));
for(int i = 0; i < tracks.size() - 1; i++)
catch(IOException e)
Ideally I'd like to get about 10-20 results. Is there anyway I could do this?
It's because the html part that you need is in the following tag:
<div id="playlist">
So you can't use the following:
Element playlist = document.select("#playlist").first();
but you need to use div#playlist
to get all the playlist item:
Element playlist = document.select("div#playlist");