I'm new to jq
and trying to wrap my head around doing a few things that I thought were going to be straightforward. Any ideas on how to improve this would be greatly appreciated.
Given this input:
"source": {
"items": [
{ "id": "aaa", "name": "this" },
{ "id": "bbb", "name": "that" },
{ "id": "ccc", "name": "the other" }
"update": {
"toRemove": [
I want this result:
"items": [
{ "id": "bbb", "name": "that" }
This filter does the job but the variables lead me to believe there is a cleaner way.
. as $root | .source + { items: [.source.items[] | select(.id as $id | $root.update.toRemove | contains([$id]) | not)]}
Playground link if interested: https://jqplay.org/s/GpVJfbTO-Q
Here's a concise and efficient solution:
.update.toRemove as $rm
| .source
| .items |= map( select(.id | IN($rm[]) | not))