I have an order of operations problem from a quiz and the explanation is not exactly helpful. Here is the code:
package com.udayan.oca;
public class Test {
public static void main(String [] args) {
int a = 2;
boolean res = false;
res = a++ == 2 || --a == 2 && --a == 2;
It says it prints 3 which it does because I tested that but I do not understand how. Here is their explanation:
a++ == 2 || --a == 2 && --a == 2;
[Given expression]. (a++) == 2 || --a == 2 && --a == 2;
[Postfix has got higher precedence than other operators].
(a++) == 2 || (--a) == 2 && (--a) == 2;
[After postfix, precedence is given to prefix].
((a++) == 2) || ((--a) == 2) && ((--a) == 2);
[== has higher precedence over && and ||].
((a++) == 2) || (((--a) == 2) && ((--a) == 2));
[&& has higher precedence over ||].
Let's start solving it: ((a++) == 2) || (((--a) == 2) && ((--a) == 2));
[a=2, res=false].
(2 == 2) || (((--a) == 2) && ((--a) == 2));
[a=3, res=false]. true || (((--a) == 2) && ((--a) == 2));
[a=3, res=false].
|| is a short-circuit operator, hence no need to evaluate expression on the right.
res is true and a is 3.
Yes, I understand short circuiting by the way so no need to explain that.
So here is my thinking however:
res = a++ == 2 || --a == 2 && --a == 2 ->
(((a++) == 2) || (((--a) == 2) && ((--a) == 2))) [a = 2]
(((a++) == 2) || ((**1** == 2) && ((--a) == 2))) [a = 1]
(((a++) == 2) || (**false** && (**0** == 2))) [a = 1] //short-circuits
(((a++) == 2) || **false**) [a = 1] //short circuits
(**false**) [a = 1]
???? Another point is that the answer key says to do a++ first then || next. a++ yah that makes sense. But I thought && is before ||.
res = a++ == 2 || --a == 2 && --a == 2 (res is true)
1. a++ (post-increment, no) -> a = a + 1 -> it's still 2 -> when true -> it becomes 3
2. --a (pre-increment, right to left) -> a - 1 = a -> 1
3. --a (pre-increment, right to left) -> a - 1 = a -> 0 (its because of logical and, it never execute this part)
4. == (equality, left to right) -> 2 == 2 || 1 == 2 && 0 == 2 -> true || false && false
5. && (logical and, left to right) -> false -> no more steps
6. || (logical or, left to right) -> true -> go to 1.
// so take 3
// moral of the story is always use paranthesis
// op is correct for short-circuit