Currently I have a userform with multiple page aka MultiPage
and each of those MultiPage
has Textboxes
which will take in inputs from user and each of those pages has a Back
, Next
button and specifically the next Button helps transferring the values from the Userform to the excel sheet called "DoNotPrint-Setup"
Private Sub btnNext2_Click()
If cbClient = "" Or tbProject.Value = "" Or tbNumber.Value = "" Or tbRevision.Value = "" Or tbDate.Value = "" Or tbPMOC.Value = "" Or tbPMOE.Value = "" Or tbClientE.Value = "" Or tbClientN.Value = "" Or tbClientP.Value = "" Or tbClientSA1.Value = "" Or tbClientSA2.Value = "" Then
If MsgBox("Form is not complete. Do you want to continue?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) <> vbYes Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
With Sheets("DoNotPrint - Setup")
.Range("C7").Value = Me.cbClient.Text
.Range("C8").Value = Me.tbProject.Text
.Range("C9").Value = Me.tbNumber.Text
.Range("C10").Value = Me.tbRevision.Text
.Range("C11").Value = Me.tbDate.Text
.Range("C12").Value = Me.tbPMOC.Text
.Range("C13").Value = Me.tbPMOE.Text
.Range("C14").Value = Me.tbClientN.Text
.Range("C15").Value = Me.tbClientE.Text
.Range("C16").Value = Me.tbClientP.Text
.Range("C17").Value = Me.tbClientSA1.Text
.Range("C18").Value = Me.tbClientSA2.Text
End With
Me.MultiPage1.Value = 2
End Sub
This is what I have for Initialization process of the file below:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
WizardProp.MultiPage1.Value = 0
Me.MultiPage1.Style = fmTabStyleNone
End Sub
And I have a Finish button at the end which will hide the Userform
Private Sub BtnFinish_Click()
End Sub
So right now it takes the output from the userform and inputs the values into the excel cell, but when I close the excel file the Userform textboxes are blank when its reopened. So is there a way to take the values in the excel cells and apply it to the Userform textboxes when Userform is reopened??
You will need to create logic for
A) Determining if you are opening a fresh file (I recommend using a check to find the last row on your data sheet, as that's pretty simple... that is if you use a master file which contains no values)
B) Once you have checked A, then your initialize does one of two things (think If statement): 1) opens up blank, 2) opens up with values
Now the first part of B is pretty simple, you've already got that; the second part will just be inverting your With Statement:
With Sheets("DoNotPrint - Setup")
.Range("C7").Value = Me.cbClient.Text
.Range("C8").Value = Me.tbProject.Text
.Range("C9").Value = Me.tbNumber.Text
.Range("C10").Value = Me.tbRevision.Text
.Range("C11").Value = Me.tbDate.Text
.Range("C12").Value = Me.tbPMOC.Text
.Range("C13").Value = Me.tbPMOE.Text
.Range("C14").Value = Me.tbClientN.Text
.Range("C15").Value = Me.tbClientE.Text
.Range("C16").Value = Me.tbClientP.Text
.Range("C17").Value = Me.tbClientSA1.Text
.Range("C18").Value = Me.tbClientSA2.Text
End With
Becomes (when embedded in the Initiate routine):
With Sheets("DoNotPrint - Setup")
Me.cbClient.Text = .Range("C7").Value
Me.tbClientSA1.Text = .Range("C17").Value
Me.tbClientSA2.Text = .Range("C18").Value
End With