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Strapi custom routes to redirect to public directory

I deployed my react app to /public directory in strapi, everything work's correctly but, when I refreshed page, strapi override my react-router routs.

So... how can I redirect strapi to open public directory when i use specific routs?

e.g redirect /posts to public directory?


  • Strapi /public folder is here to server public assets and not to host your front end application. And it's not a good practice to do that. I had to write that before answering your question.

    Here is how static files are served. It uses the public middleware.

    So you will have to create your own middleware by following this documentation.

    So in ./middelwares/custom/index.js add the following code:

    const path = require('path');
    module.exports = strapi => {
      return {
        initialize: function(cb) {
            method: 'GET',
            path: '/post',
            handler: [
              async (ctx, next) => {
                ctx.url = path.basename(`${ctx.url}/index.html`);
                await next();
              strapi.koaMiddlewares.static(strapi.config.middleware.settings.public.path || strapi.config.paths.static, {
                maxage: strapi.config.middleware.settings.public.maxAge,
                defer: true

    Then you will have to enable your middleware. You will have to update the ./config/custom.json file with the following code:

      "myCustomConfiguration": "This configuration is accessible through strapi.config.myCustomConfiguration",
      "custom": {
        "enabled": true

    That's it!