I'm trying to get complete referer from chrome extension's webRequest api. This is how my function looks like. I need to find alternative to details.initiator
, as it's not enough precise.
//Listner to the onBeforeRequest event from webRequests api
function(details) {
//Checks if details url contains pixel.domain.com substring
if (details.url.toLowerCase().indexOf('pixel.domain.com') > 0) {
//Checks if map already contains array for this initiator
if (pixels.get(details.initiator)) {
var urls = pixels.get(details.initiator);
if (!urls.includes(details.url)) {
pixels.set(details.initiator, [...urls, details.url]);
} else {
//Else sets new (key, value)
pixels.set(details.initiator, [details.url]);
{ urls: ['<all_urls>'] }
Update: It can be also alternative to webRequest api, as i just need something, what tracks all requests made by the browser. Was considering also onRequest, but i'm not sure if it's not deprecated.
I found a solution. Instead onBeforeRequest
, I use onBeforeSendHeaders
, where I have access to the request headers