I have big html document with various images with href and src.
I want to declare their href and src so as to change only their var values. something like...
var imagehref = www.url.com;
var imagesrc = www.url.com/img.pg;
HTML Part:
<a href=imagehref><img src=imagesrc /> </a>
What is the correct syntax/way to do it?
You can't do it in this way, you have to set href and src directly from the js script. Here's an example:
<a id="dynamicLink" href=""><img id="dynamicImg" src="" /> </a>
var link = document.getElementById('dynamicLink');
link.href = "http://www.url.com"
var img = document.getElementById('dynamicImg');
img.src = "http://www.url.com/img.png"