I am using Marshmallow to send instance of my Decision class to JSON. However, this will also dump the attributes which are None
, e.g. my attribute score
will translate to null
in JSON. After that I am unable to read the JSON again using the same approach.
The last line is where it currently fails. I need to either NOT dump None
to JSON or skip null
during loading:
import json
from marshmallow import Schema, fields, post_load
json_data = """{
"appid": "2309wfjwef",
"strategy": "First Strategy"
# Output class definition
class Decision(object):
def __init__(self, appid = None, strategy = None, score = None):
self.appid = appid
self.strategy = strategy
self.score = score
class DecisionSchema(Schema):
appid = fields.Str()
strategy = fields.Str()
score = fields.Int()
def make_decision(self, data):
return Decision(**data)
# Deserialization into object
dec_json = json.loads(json_data)
schema = DecisionSchema()
dec = schema.load(dec_json).data
# Dump results back to JSON
schema = DecisionSchema()
out = schema.dumps(dec)
# Load back from dump
schema = DecisionSchema()
dec = schema.load(out).data
#print(dec.strategy) # returns error currently
An "official" answer from marshmallow development team can be found in this comment in the bugtracker:
Use a post_dump
from marshmallow import Schema, fields, post_dump
class BaseSchema(Schema):
SKIP_VALUES = set([None])
def remove_skip_values(self, data, **kwargs):
return {
key: value for key, value in data.items()
if value not in self.SKIP_VALUES
class MySchema(BaseSchema):
foo = fields.Field()
bar = fields.Field()
sch = MySchema()
sch.dump({'foo': 42, 'bar': None}).data # {'foo': 42}
As I point out in a further comment, there's a shortcoming: it will also remove None
when the field's allow_none
is True