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Backup docker volumes - is simple tar-archiving not sufficient?

I am running several Docker containers on three machines, composing a Swarm cluster.

Some containers that stores persistent data(like DB, Redis, etc) use data volumes. (I tried to avoid using bind-mount as far as I can)

Such data volumes are located in /var/lib/docker/volumes/, and every volumes are assigned customized name rather than random-sequence-ID:

# ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/
redis-data   postgres-data   fluentd-data ...

I want to backup these volumes periodically, daily for example, so that I could restore when a machine failure occurs and fixed later.

However, every document I found in google illustrated the way to use new Linux container and tar:

$ docker run --rm --volumes-from dbstore -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /dbdata

Why? Is there any problem if I simply archive /var/lib/docker/volumes/VOLUME directory and copy it to other machine? For example, permission, uid, gid, etc?

$ tar -zcvf redis.tgz /var/lib/docker/volumes/redis-data


There would be a case that the backup using tar could cause data inconsistency due to changes in data during archiving. For example, archiving DB data directory when DB is still running and inserts or updates are performed... But I think this problem is applied to both approaches in same way.


  • A named volume can store data outside of /var/lib/docker. E.g. you can create a named bind mount with:

      $ docker volume create --driver local \
          --opt type=none \
          --opt device=/home/user/test \
          --opt o=bind \

    or here's one for an NFS mount:

      $ docker volume create --driver local \
          --opt type=nfs \
          --opt o=nfsvers=4,,rw \
          --opt device=:/path/to/dir \

    In these scenarios, the tar backup accesses the data the same way your container does, and therefore performs a backup regardless of how the named volume was created. It also effectively exports the data to a common format that can be used not only by other containers, but anywhere you happen to move your application.

    If you find yourself needing more control over the volume contents, for more direct backups, then the named bind mount is a mid-way point between named volumes and host mounts. You get to treat the directory as a named volume to the container, but the contained data as just another directory on the host to backup.

    Personally, I tend to treat /var/lib/docker as a black box. While the contents are very readable, docker is free to migrate and change things in there between versions, while the API used by users should remain more consistent. The fewer things I need to change should they transition to something like the containerd image management, the better.