I basically want to click on a row or linked element and take me to another filtered table.
For instance, let's say I have a table of genres:
I click on Romance, and then I want a list of all the romance books. How might I do this with django-tables2?
How do I get what the user clicked on in my django table?
I tried to use table.py
class GenreTable(tables.Table):
genre = tables.LinkColumn('books_genre_table')
class Meta: ...
This doesn't work because I can't pass the data and filter it to make a table in the next view/html 'books_genre_table.html'
EDIT: I already have a detail page for genres that is different than this page that I want to create. Furthermore, I want to filter the data in a new way that does not need to be saved as a detail page with a 'pk'. I just want to have all of these go to one url.
Lets say you have a genre
URL like this:
path('some_path/<int:pk>/', genre_book_view, name='books_genre_table')
and have a view like this(here I will be using reverse relation to fetch books from genre):
def genre_book(request, pk):
# will be using genre here to fetch all the books
genre = Genre.objects.get(pk=pk)
context = {
'books': genre.book_set.all() # using reverse relation to get the books
return render(request, 'some_template.html', context)
Then you can link your view like this:
class GenreTable(tables.Table):
genre = tables.LinkColumn('books_genre_table', args=[A('pk')])
class Meta: