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How to implement thumbnail images into Wagtail’s ModelViewSet?

Is it still possible to implement a thumbnail image in a ModelViewSet listing view? Here is an example for a NewsPost model.

class NewsPostViewSet(ModelViewSet):
    model = NewsPost
    list_display = ["title", "category", "date_start", "date_end", "live"]
    add_to_admin_menu = True
    icon = "calendar-alt"
    menu_label = "News"

The PageListingViewSet has columns with all kinds of columns for different model types. But also no "ImageColumn" to display a thumbnail image. I miss the ThumbnailMixin that the Wagtail ModelAdmin app provided, which is now deprecated. Does anybody know a workaround?


  • This is the method I use.

    from wagtail.admin.ui.tables import TitleColumn
    from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
    class ImageColumn(TitleColumn):
        def get_cell_context_data(self, instance, parent_context):
            context = super().get_cell_context_data(instance, parent_context)
                context['value'] = mark_safe(
                        'height-50').img_tag({'class': "show-transparency"})
                context['value'] = mark_safe(
                    <svg class="icon icon-image" height="50px" 
                        viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true">
                        <use href="#icon-image"></use>
            return context

    Example in a snippet viewset:

    class ProductViewSet(SnippetViewSet):
        model = Product
        list_display = ["title", ImageColumn("image"), "get_department_subcategory", "sku", UpdatedAtColumn()]

    You can't place it in the first column unfortunately, Wagtail doesn't allow any custom columns in that position - it'll render the view but with no action menu on the list items.

    I'm inheriting TitleColumn so that the image is clickable in a chooser view.

    If there's an error (or if the image field is empty), it'll return the generic Wagtail image icon.

    The column returns the html rather than data/template to keep it self-contained.