I have a portfolio website (http://viktorjorneryd.com/?pid=4) where on mobile devices I have the slick slide carousel limited down to one image showing. If it's a wide picture it is shown on its own, and if it's a vertical one they are previewed two at a time. On the computer (and when resizing) it's fine, but on mobile devices it shows a small portion of the vertical photos next to the wide one, which breaks the design.
Here is a picture of how it looks. I've tried to make the picture wider to match two vertical photos next to each other - to no avail. I'm out of the ideas and I'm not even sure why it causes this..
Here is the slick slide config.
infinite: true,
speed: 100,
fade: false,
cssEase: 'linear',
arrows: true,
nextArrow: "<img class='slider_control_right' src='images/webinterface/arrow_png.png'>",
prevArrow: "<img class='slider_control_left' src='images/webinterface/arrow_png.png'>"
I would take a look into the responsive aspect
You can define breakpoints and limit the slides that are shown.
responsive: [
breakpoint: 1024, // The media breakpoint
settings: {
slidesToShow: 3, // how many images you want to show in your case 1
slidesToScroll: 3,
infinite: true,
dots: true
I took a further look into this and it seems this fixed it.
.slider_image_single {
padding: 1px; /* this one */