If it's not one problem, it's another... I seem to have gotten the 2 previous problems fixed but now when running outside of a test context, with a stood up application I see this.
o.s.a.s.c.Jackson2JsonMessageConverter : Could not convert incoming message with content-type [null], 'json' keyword missing.
Like before, this message seems fairly clear. Heck, things even worked in a standalone test context, however when running in a standalone server the code seems to be taking a different path and is failing for the same reason but via a different component.
open class MessagingConfig {
open fun jackson2Json(om: ObjectMapper): SmartMessageConverter {
return Jackson2JsonMessageConverter(om)
open fun mappingJackson2(om: ObjectMapper): MappingJackson2MessageConverter {
val mc = MappingJackson2MessageConverter()
mc.objectMapper = om
return mc
open fun defaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory(jackson: MappingJackson2MessageConverter): DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory {
val factory = DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory()
return factory
open fun builder(): Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer {
return Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer {
it.modules(JavaTimeModule(), KotlinModule())
open class RabbitConfigurer(val dmhmf: DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory) : RabbitListenerConfigurer {
override fun configureRabbitListeners(registrar: RabbitListenerEndpointRegistrar?) {
registrar?.messageHandlerMethodFactory = dmhmf
You can add a MessagePostprocessor
to the container factory to enhance the message with a content_id property.
factory.setAfterReceivePostProcessors(m -> {
return m;