I'm trying to prove a simple lemma with Coq
, and I'm having some trouble
ruling out an infeasible case. Here is my lemma:
Theorem helper : forall (a b : bool),
((negb a) = (negb b)) -> (a = b).
intros a b.
intros H.
destruct a.
- destruct b.
+ reflexivity.
+ (** this case is trivially true *)
The relevant sub-goal is trivially true since the assumption H
is false. How do I tell this to Coq
1 subgoal
H : negb true = negb false
true = false
When there is an assumption which is an equality between distinct constructors (in this case H : false = true
), you can use discriminate.
In other cases, when you have False
as an assumption, you may use contradiction.