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Sink inside Actor invoked during prod, but not during test

I have an actor that invokes a stream. At runtime this works as intended, but when tested the stream is not invoked.

The Actor (abbreviated)

class PaymentProcessorActor(repo: PaymentRepo, accountCache: AccountCache, config: AppConfig) extends Actor {

  implicit private val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
  implicit private val network: Network =
  private implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor = context.dispatcher

  val paymentSink: Sink[(Seq[Payment], Account), NotUsed] =
    Flow[(Seq[Payment], Account)].map { case (ps, account) =>
      println("inside flow")
      // ... block of type Future[(TransactionResponse, Seq[Payment], Account)] here
    .mapAsync(parallelism = config.accounts.size)( {
      case ((_: TransactionApproved, ps), account) =>
        // handle approval

      case ((x: TransactionRejected, ps), account) =>
        // handle rejection

  override def receive: Receive = state(nextKnownPaymentDate = None)

  private def state(nextKnownPaymentDate: Option[ZonedDateTime]): Receive =
    processPayments(nextKnownPaymentDate) orElse
      updateNextPaymentTime orElse
      confirmPayments orElse
      rejectPayments orElse
      rejectTransaction orElse
      retryPayments orElse
      updateAccount orElse

  // If there are payments due, find and pay them
  def processPayments(nextKnownPaymentDate: Option[ZonedDateTime]): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
    case ProcessPayments if nextKnownPaymentDate.exists(_.isBefore( =>
      val readyAccounts = accountCache.readyCount
      if (readyAccounts > 0) {
        val payments = repo.due(readyAccounts * 100)
        if (payments.isEmpty) {
          logger.debug("No more payments due.")
        } else {
          val submittingPaymentsWithAccounts: Seq[(Seq[Payment], Account)] =
            payments.grouped(100).flatMap(ps => -> _)).toSeq
          val submittingPayments: Seq[Payment] = submittingPaymentsWithAccounts.flatMap(_._1)

          Source.fromIterator(() => submittingPaymentsWithAccounts.iterator).to(paymentSink).run()
          println("post source run")

The spec. (sampleOf just creates a random instance and is not pertinent to the problem).

  "the payment sink" should {
    "submit to the network" in {
      val (network, conf, repo, cache) = setup
      val account = sampleOf(genAccount)
      val payments = sampleOf(Gen.listOfN(3, genPayment))

      val actor = system.actorOf(Props(new PaymentProcessorActor(repo, cache, conf)))

      // these two calls set up the actor state so that payments will be processed
      actor ! UpdateNextPaymentTime
      actor ! UpdateAccount(account)

      // this invokes the stream under test
      actor ! ProcessPayments

      eventually(timeout(5 seconds)) {
        assert(network.posted.size == 1)

  private def setup: (StubNetwork, AppConfig, PaymentRepo, AccountCache) = {
    val n = StubNetwork()
    val conf = new AppConfig {
      val network: Network = n
      val accounts: Map[String, KeyPair] = Map.empty
    val repo = mock[PaymentRepo]
    (n, conf, repo, new AccountCache)

At runtime, I see the stdout messages:

post source run
inside flow

But during test I only see

post source run

With debugging, I see that all values are correct and the source .run is called. But somehow it does not run.


  • In the line .mapAsync(parallelism = config.accounts.size), the value was zero, which is an error condition. The Flow never initialised. This failure does not propagate to the main thread.

    Additionally, I had turned off Akka logging for tests in the configuration, so this failure was not logged.