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How to Detect if Multiple Nodes Exist in GraphStream

This is a pretty obscure question since I don't see many people fawning over GraphStream, but does anyone know how to detect if a node exists in the graph if it has been inserted?

For example, if I write


I get an error. If I do the same thing and write


This is because vertex1 already exists in the graph. I can't find anything in GraphStream's documentation here and I can't find an answer anywhere I look. Any help would be much appreciated.


  • From what I see in the Documentation :

    Throws: IdAlreadyInUseException - If strict checking is enabled the identifier is already used.

    You should be able to find out if an identifier is used by checking the returned value of getNode(vertex1.getId()).

    getNode(String id) :

    Returns: The searched node or null if not found.