Hey, I have an UserForm into which an user inputs varius profile fields.
Once it's filled in, there is verification - if anything goes astray, the
, namedsave_button
is disabled
What I want to achieve is: If user clicks on the button, whilst it is in the disabled state, to display a MsgBox
saying he needs to correct the incorrectly filled in field
For Demonstration purposes, I'm not gonna paste here the validation procedures, so let's just pretend that the save_button.Enabled = False
is set from the getgo. Produces the same result.
save_button.Enabled = False ' already ran before, pretend this executes it
Private Sub save_button_Click()
If save_button.Enabled = False Then
MsgBox "Clicked disabled button"
End If
End Sub
Issue is, once a CommandButton is set to .Enabled = False
then it can no longer be officially clicked (hence it can't even trigger the Click()
My next thought was to use the MouseUp
as a substitute. Issue is,
this triggers on any miniscule movement over the button and I don't want to bombard the user with MsgBox
Can you think of any alternatives, as to how to detect if user clicked the disabled button?
When a control is disabled, the click event bubbles up the tree. In your case, I guess the user form will get the click instead. If you put your save button inside a frame, that will get the click if the button is disabled. It is fairly easy to make the frame invisible, by setting
And then size the frame so that is the same size as the button. The code is easy:
Private Sub YourNewFrame_Click()
MsgBox "Save button disabled!"
End Sub
Tip: If you draw the frame, cut your button and paste it inside your new frame, it will be placed properly. Properly, as in in the right part of the hierarchy. Visually, you will have to do manually.