I'm trying to enable CORS on a simple django rest server.
I've followed the suggestions here How can I enable CORS on Django REST Framework.
Specifically I have:
1) done
pip install django-cors-headers
added corsheaders to my installed apps
3) added corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware at the top of the MIDDLEWARE section of my Django settings file
4) added
but it's still not working.
When I send the request to the server (using a javascript fetch request) I get an error in the browser (...blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present...), but I don't get any output in the serve console.
How can I find out where the problem is?
is reasonably fool-proof and your configuration seems correct to me.
There is however a gotcha I've had issues with, which might be your problem too:
If you configure your server to serve static files without invoking Django / Python (pretty common, even on the built-in server), django-cors-headers
cannot apply a CORS header to those responses. Depending on the browser, this will cause problems with asynchronous requests, fonts and sometimes even images, video and audio.