My workbook has five sheets with text boxes. Sheet1, Sheet2, ......, and Sheet5.
And the code below is on every sheet.
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
If Len(TextBox1.Value) = 0 Then
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = True Then
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If
ActiveSheet.Range("A2:C" & Rows.Count).AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="*" & TextBox1.Value & "*"
End If
End Sub
I would like to synchronize the TEXTBOXES
on all sheets.
For example, if I type text in TEXTBOX1
of Sheet1, the same text will be entered in TEXTBOX1
of all other sheets.
And I also want to know how to clear TEXTBOX
on every sheet at once.
1) put the following code in new Module of your project
Public dontDoThat As Boolean ' a public variable, visible throughout all your project you'll use to give way to synchronizing activity
Option Explicit
Sub Synchronize(txt As String, shtName As String)
dontDoThat = True ' set your public variable to True and prevent subsequent TextBox1_Change() events to run it again
Dim sht As Variant
For Each sht In Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3", "Sheet4", "Sheet5")
If sht <> shtName Then Worksheets(sht).TextBox1.Text = txt
dontDoThat = False ' set your public variable to False and allow subsequent TextBox1_Change() events to run it
End Sub
2) change your TextBox1_Change()
event in all your sheets as follows
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
If Not dontDoThat Then Synchronize Me.TextBox1.Text, Me.Name 'call Synchronize() only if your public variable allows it to
(rest of your previous code follows)
End Sub
To clear all textboxes just clear one of them