I am not understanding whats going on here... While I run the code from sheets(1) being active the userform dropbox loads just fine, but when I shift over to sheets(2) being active it thinks that shhet (1)- row 4 is the end of my data... (Which happens to be the sheet the code is set to a command button on...)
Am I just special???
Here is the code...
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'sets up combobox's
PurchUnit.List = Sheets(1).Range("PurchasingSizes" & Range("K41").End(xlUp).Row).Value
UoM.List = Sheets(1).Range("ConvAbv").Value
End Sub
So end of the day I need it to recognize my data list independent of which sheet I am on. Also if you could explain why it is doing this... I am so confused by it!
Reference the Sheet(1) in every range reference like so
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'sets up combobox's
PurchUnit.List = Sheets(1).Range("PurchasingSizes" & sheet(1).Range("K41").End(xlUp).Row).Value
UoM.List = Sheets(1).Range("ConvAbv").Value
End Sub
Or better yet
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'sets up combobox's
With Sheets(1)
PurchUnit.List = .Range("PurchasingSizes" & .Range("K41").End(xlUp).Row).Value
UoM.List = .Range("ConvAbv").Value
End with
End Sub