I want to controll which function is allowed to reach from a python code.
Here the struct, where I defined some functions for the Python to extend:
struct Worldb
void messagewindow(std::string msg) { functions.Messagewindow(msg); }
void setnumber(int value) { publicnumber=value; }
string getnumber() { return functions.converttostring(publicnumber); }
int publicnumber;
And here is the code ,where I add the definition to the code and send the Python code to the compiler:
worldb.publicnumber = 1;
bp::object main_module = bp::import("__main__");
bp::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
main_namespace["Worldb"] = bp::class_<Worldb>("Worldb")
.def("messagewindow", &Worldb::messagewindow)
.def("setnumber", &Worldb::setnumber)
.def("getnumber", &Worldb::getnumber);
main_namespace["cpp"] = bp::ptr(&worldb);//to prevent the worldb object copied
bp::object compileit;
compileit = exec(
catch(bp::error_already_set &)
I can extend functions into the Python manually with the .def easily, but I can't find any solution to put it in some kind of "if" statement, to check it is allowed to add to the python or not. Of course I can put each function into an unique namespace, but that is far from elegant and I think it's maybe waste some memory too.
Sorry for my bad english and thank you for any advice you give.
It is not necessary to have everything in one statement -- the ability to chain the calls is just a matter of convenience (def
and other member functions return reference to the instance they were invoked on to let this happen).
If we analyze the statement
main_namespace["Worldb"] = bp::class_<Worldb>("Worldb")
.def("messagewindow", &Worldb::messagewindow)
.def("setnumber", &Worldb::setnumber)
.def("getnumber", &Worldb::getnumber);
we'll see that it performs the following functions in sequence:
to expose messagewindow
to expose setnumber
to expose getnumber
.We can rewrite this to have each part as a separate statement in the following manner:
bp::class_<Worldb> test_binding = bp::class_<Worldb>("Worldb");
test_binding.def("messagewindow", &Worldb::messagewindow);
test_binding.def("setnumber", &Worldb::setnumber);
test_binding.def("getnumber", &Worldb::getnumber);
main_namespace["Worldb"] = test_binding;
Note: We introduce a new scope to limit the lifetime of test_binding
, which is no longer needed after the assignment.
Having done so, it is trivial to expose the individual methods conditionally.
#include <boost/python.hpp>
namespace bp = boost::python;
struct test
void one() {}
void two() {}
void three() {}
int main()
try {
bp::object main_module = bp::import("__main__");
bp::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
// Simple bitmap of methods to expose:
// * bit 0 -> one()
// * bit 1 -> two()
// * bit 2 -> three()
uint32_t method_mask(5);
// Limit the scope of `test_binding` variable
bp::class_<test> test_binding = bp::class_<test>("test");
if ((method_mask & 1) == 1) {
test_binding.def("one", &test::one);
if ((method_mask & 2) == 2) {
test_binding.def("two", &test::two);
if ((method_mask & 4) == 4) {
test_binding.def("three", &test::three);
main_namespace["test"] = test_binding;
exec("print dir(test)\n", main_namespace);
} catch (bp::error_already_set &) {
return 0;
Note: We expect one()
and three()
to be exposed. I re-formatted the output for better readability.
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__'
, '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__instance_size__'
, '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__'
, '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__'
, 'one', 'three']