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how to add state param for Uberauth in Elixir

During oAuth process it's good to set state param to authorize url for security. When I checked Überauth Shopify it is sent to shopify.

But I don't understand how I need to set this state param in my Phoenix application that Shopify would get it. Any suggestions?


  • You supply state in the URL you're passing to Ueberauth (In the same way, scopes are passed as well)

    Depending on your router setup, with the default being:

    pipeline :auth do
      Ueberauth.plug "/auth"
    scope "/auth" do
      pipe_through [:browser, :auth]
      get "/:provider/callback", AuthController, :callback

    you supply scopes and state by redirecting your user to the specified auth URL:


    or without any scopes:
