I have 2 wrapper macros for asserting function input parameters:
* @brief An assert wrapper with no value return in case assert fails.
* @param x_: value to test for being non zero.
#define UTIL_ASSERT_VOID(x_) \
assert_param(x_); \
if (!x_) \
return; \
* @brief An assert wrapper with a value return in case assert fails.
* @param x_: value to test for being non zero.
#define UTIL_ASSERT_VAL(x_, ret_) \
assert_param(x_); \
if (!x_) \
return ret_; \
The former is used in functions returning void, while the latter in functions returning non-void. I was wondering either in C11 (or earlier) there is a mechanism allowing one to use only a single macro with variadic parameters amount. Depending on how many parameters are provided to the macro (1 or 2), a return
or return ret_
would be compiled.
You can do it like this:
#define UTIL_ASSERT(x_, ...) \
assert_param(x_); \
if (!x_) \
return __VA_ARGS__;
But remember, you cannot guarantee just 1 parameter in this variadic macro, so you need to use it correctly.
Update: Thanks to this thread, I came to better approach:
void assert_param(int x);
#define UTIL_ASSERT_1(x_) do { assert_param(x_); if (!x_) return; } while(0)
#define UTIL_ASSERT_2(x_, ret_) do { assert_param(x_); if (!x_) return ret_; } while(0)
#define GET_MACRO(_1,_2,NAME,...) NAME
int foo() {
void doo() {
This one is much better than previous one, because it somehow validates number of parameters.