I'm exporting a series of crosstabs from SAS 9.3 to Excel using Excel ODS tagsets.
The syntax I've written is as follows:
%include 'C:\Users\MyName\Documents\excltags.tpl';
ods tagsets.excelxp file = "M:\Assess\1718\PARTIC_3-8.xml"
proc sort data = assess_elem;
by accommodations_ny participation_ny district;
proc freq data = assess_elem
by accommodations_ny participation_ny district;
tables grade*proficiency / crosslist nocum nocol;
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
The variables are:
The syntax above creates a table like this for each of the 103 districts:
What I would like to have is something more like:
You are not limited to two way in the TABLE statement, especially if you use the LIST option instead of CROSSLIST.
Here's a quick example using SASHELP.CARS
proc freq data=sashelp.cars;
table origin*make*cylinders / list;
It creates a table like this:
This will not give you the unrepeated columns on the left most, if you do want that, PROC TABULATE gives you more control over the output or push it to a table and use PROC REPORT.