The documentation boost doesn't provide any example for creating a child process with a custom environment using process::child(...)
An example is given with process::system(...)
but the function system
has less possible operations (such as pipes or waitpid) so I would like to have a full example using process::child
if possible.
in system.hpp, system_impl, which supports custom env, is implemented in terms of child,
template<typename IoService, typename ...Args>
inline int system_impl(
std::true_type, /*needs ios*/
std::true_type, /*has io_context*/
Args && ...args)
IoService & ios = ::boost::process::detail::get_io_context_var(args...);
system_impl_success_check check;
std::atomic_bool exited{false};
child c(std::forward<Args>(args)...,
[&](int, const std::error_code&)
if (!c.valid() || !check.succeeded)
return -1;
while (!exited.load())
return c.exit_code();
So the call to system from the docs:
bp::system("stuff", bp::env["VALUE_1"]="foo", bp::env["VALUE_2"]+={"bar1", "bar2"});
which calls:
template<typename ...Args>
inline int system(Args && ...args)
typedef typename ::boost::process::detail::needs_io_context<Args...>::type
typedef typename ::boost::process::detail::has_io_context<Args...>::type
return ::boost::process::detail::system_impl<boost::asio::io_context>(
need_ios(), has_ios(),
translates into this function, so you should be able to do the same.