How would I be able to make it so the TextBox updates in order based on the Array?
I have 5 and 10 in the 'prices' array, I want it to go to 5 and then 10 and so fourth, what's the most efficient way of doing this? Right now it picks a random number in the array.
const pricetext = document.getElementById('ctl00_cphPrice')
var prices = ["5", "10"]
function update() {
pricetext.value = prices[Math.floor(Math.random() * prices.length)];
You could take a closure over the index and increment it after assigning and adjust to the length of the array.
pricetext = document.getElementById('ctl00_cphPrice'),
prices = ["5", "10"],
update = (index => () => {
pricetext.value = prices[index++];
index %= prices.length;
setInterval(update, 2000);
<input type="text" id="ctl00_cphPrice" />